President Polk

Some twenty-two years later President Polk reiterated and elaborated upon these principles .
He became President Polk 's Secretary of State and President Pierce 's Minister to Great Britain .
Herrera at first agreed to meet with the American , John Slidell , to discuss four offers from President Polk .
President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to take an army into the disputed region , and in April 1846 , one of Taylor 's patrols was attacked by Mexican troops .
The British foreign minister proposed a treaty that would make the forty-ninth parallel of latitude the border between the United States and British Oregon . The proposal was almost the same that President Polk had made earlier .
President Polk had sent several thousand American soldiers to Texas six months before , when Texas accepted statehood . This force , led by General Zachary Taylor , had camped near the town of Corpus Christi at the mouth of the Nueces River .
The Herrera government fell anyway . And the new Mexican government refused to talk with the American representative . Slidell returned to the United States , firm in the belief that only force could win the Mexican territories the United States wanted . President Polk shared Slidell 's belief .
As President , Polk threatened war with Britain over annexing Oregon .
Manifest Destiny 1845 - Manifest Destiny : US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West .
California gold rush 1848 - California gold rush : In a message before the U.S. Congress , US President James K. Polk confirms that large amounts of gold had been discovered in California .